(Amended 10/3/14)


SECTION 1.01 The name of this organization will be “Texas Municipal Library Directors Association.”

SECTION 1.02 The Association will be affiliated with the Texas Municipal League.


SECTION 2.01 The Association advances outstanding leadership and best practices in library and information services through advocacy, networking, sharing best practices and training opportunities.

  1. Advocate and provide support to benefit all Texas Librarians to ensure to citizens of Texas the most comprehensive library and information services to meet their needs.
  2. Provide members with the knowledge, skills, resources and tools to foster individual and organizational excellence.
  3. Encourage active cooperation and exchange of information among members.
  4. Seek out collaborative alliances and coordinate activities with the Texas Municipal League, the Texas Library Association, the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, and other organizations related to the field of library and information services.
  5. Provide assistance to any municipality or organization interested in the promotion of library and information services.


SECTION 3.01 There will be two levels of membership for the association.

A. All library directors or head librarians serving municipalities, counties, or library districts will be eligible for membership. These members are eligible to vote, to hold elected office and to serve on a standing committee within the association.  Employees of libraries run by for-profit businesses are not eligible for membership.
B. All library management staff serving municipalities, counties, or library districts will be eligible for membership. These members are eligible to vote and to serve on a standing committee within the association.  Employees of libraries run by for-profit businesses are not eligible for membership.


SECTION 4.01 The elected officers of the Association will be the President, the Vice President/President-elect, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Departmental Director, all of whom will be active members. The Departmental Director will be elected from past presidents.

SECTION 4.02 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The affairs of the Association will be conducted by an Executive Committee composed of the elected officers of the Association together with the immediate Past President of the Association.

SECTION 4.03 DUTIES OF OFFICERS The President, Vice President/President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer will perform those duties normally associated with their titles. The Departmental Director will serve on the Board of Directors of the Texas Municipal League. The President, with concurrence of the Executive Committee, may establish or appoint committees as necessary to accomplish the objective of the Association.

SECTION 4.04 TERMS OF OFFICE The Vice President/President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer will be elected annually by a majority vote of the active members. The Departmental Director will be elected and serve a term of office as provided by the Constitution of the Texas Municipal League. The term of office will begin at the close of the annual Texas Municipal League meeting.

SECTION 4.05 NOMINATIONS FOR OFFICERS The Executive Committee will appoint a nominating committee of three members, who, at the annual meeting, or at a meeting preceding the annual meeting, will submit a nominee for each elected office.   Electronic voting for board members will include polling of the full membership. Polling shall commence no more than 60 calendar days prior to a membership meeting and will be conducted for a period of not less than 10 calendar days nor more than 30 calendars days. Voting will be completed at least 10 days prior to a membership meeting.

SECTION 4.06 VACANCIES Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President/President-elect will succeed to the office for the unexpired term. A vacancy in any other office may be filled for the unexpired term by appointment by a quorum of the remaining members of the Executive Committee. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Director, the President will become the representative of the Texas Municipal League Board of Directors.


SECTION 5.01 There will be at least one meeting of the Association each year. This annual meeting will be held at the time and place of the Annual Conference of the Texas Municipal League. Other meetings of the Association may be called by the President or by a majority of the Executive Committee or any two officers.


SECTION 6.01 A majority of the officers will constitute a quorum at an Executive Committee meeting. A majority of those active members registered at any meeting of the Association will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at such meeting.


SECTION 7.01 The Executive Committee with the approval of a majority of the members voting at the annual meeting may fix annual dues for members of the Association. Payment of dues is a prerequisite to exercising voting rights.

SECTION 7.02 PAYMENT OF DUES Dues will be paid annually to the Texas Municipal Library Directors Association by January 1.

SECTION 7.03 SUSPENSION FOR NON-PAYMENT OF DUES Any member of the Association whose dues are in arrears for a period of three months will be so notified and automatically suspended from membership in the Association.


SECTION 8.01 The President will, subject to the approval of the Board, appoint a Membership Committee, a Legislative Committee, and a Nominating Committee.

SECTION 8.02 The Membership Committee will be composed of representatives from each region plus a State-wide Chairman. The purpose of the Membership Committee is to promote active membership in the Texas Municipal Library Directors Association.

SECTION 8.03 The Legislative Committee will be charged with canvassing the members to determine what legislative programs are desired and/or approved by the membership; will have the responsibility, in cooperation with the President, of planning and executing a program for obtaining favorable consideration of any legislation favored by the membership; will have the responsibility, in cooperation with the President, to ensure that the Association’s legislative program is communicated to the Texas Municipal League’s legislative policy committees for the purpose of bringing about the best possible overall legislative package for Texas cities.

SECTION 8.04 The Nominating Committee will consist of three (3) members whose names and addresses will be made known to the Membership in a timely fashion; the Nominating Committee will present to the membership, at the annual meeting, or at a meeting preceding the annual meeting, at least one candidate for each office.

SECTION 8.05 The President may also appoint such standing committees as he may deem advisable except that the creation of said committees will be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.


SECTION 9.01 The Executive Committee will have the power to adopt By-Laws consistent with this constitution and the constitution of the Texas Municipal League to govern the conduct of its meetings and the business of the Association.


SECTION 10.01 The Constitution and By-Laws of the Association may be amended by majority vote through electronic voting of the full membership. Voting will be conducted for a period of not less than 10 calendar days and not more than 30 calendar days. Approved amendments will be submitted to the Texas Municipal League for review and approval, and will take effect immediately upon receiving said approval.


SECTION 11.01 The revised edition of Roberts Rules of Order will prevail at all meetings of the Association.